
6 Ways Walking is Good for Your Health

Recognized on the first Wednesday of April, today is National Walking Day. As one of the easiest ways to stay on top of your health, the simple act of walking can improve your well-being both inside and out. It can also add years to your life … and life to your years. Take a walk […]

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Journey to the Center of My Colon: My First Colonoscopy Experience

March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Always one to stay on top of the trends, I commemorated the big occasion with my first colonoscopy experience! They say it’s a necessary evil, and I’m not here to tell you any differently. Unfortunately, for those with a genetic predisposition or of a certain age, it’s just […]

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Stay Safe This Mardi Gras

After two long years, Carnival season has finally returned to the Greater New Orleans area. Whether you’re a camp-out-on-the neutral-ground-the-whole-week hardcore parade goer or a wide-eyed newcomer just getting your feet wet (and sadly, I mean that literally), you need to be especially careful this time of year. There are potential hazards all over the […]

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Who says you can’t have fun at work? Nobody at Southshore … that’s for certain!

Increased productivity, in-house camaraderie, contented customers … there are many benefits to a happy workplace. On average, we spend a third of most days at work. Shouldn’t we make that substantial piece of the pie as delicious as possible? January 28 is National Have Fun at Work Day. Does your office need a tune-up in […]

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The Southshore Team’s Resolution for Change

The Southshore team was again challenged by its fearless Lee-der to come up with one word to embody our resolution for change in 2022. (Confession: I used two. Maybe my word should’ve been “rules.”) As a little reminder, we’re all wearing bracelets we created with a DIY kit from that feature our words to […]

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Holiday Health: Mindful Eating

How to take on the holidays without taking on the pounds

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Holiday Health: Staying Active

Are you making a list? And checking it twice? More importantly, is exercise on that list? The holiday season is undoubtedly a difficult time to keep up with your fitness routine. But as you’re “dashing though the snow” on “busy sidewalks dressed in holiday style,” don’t forget to take care of yourself and stay active. […]

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Your Challenge: 31 Random Acts of Kindness for the Month of December

Penned in 1957 by beloved children’s author Dr. Seuss, these wise words ring through my head every December. Because if, in fact, we really want to spread joy and good will toward all people this holiday season, shouldn’t we be opening more than our wallets to show the world we care? There are so many […]

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Gratitude … it’s not just for Thanksgiving Anymore

The simple act of being thankful can do so much for your mental and physical well-being. By expressing your wholehearted appreciation to the universe, you are learning to focus on the positive and let go of the negative. You are strengthening your relationships by making things less about yourself and not taking your loved ones […]

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Tis the Season for Open Enrollment: Choosing Your Healthcare Wisely

The end of the year brings with it many wonderful things. Hat-and-glove weather, memorable family gatherings, pumpkin-flavored delicacies and, well, the Open Enrollment Period (OEP) for the health insurance industry. And … since they’re not really writing holiday carols about that last one, let’s take a minute to sing talk about it here. Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la … […]

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