Halloween Safety Tips: For Kids AND Their Parents

October is Halloween Safety Month! (Because it would be weird if it were in February, right?) From creepy costumes and deathly decorations to haunted houses and jocular jack-o-lanterns, there are cauldrons of fun to be had by all. We just need to use our heads, assuming we can hang on to them for the whole […]

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Exercise and You: How Can We Make It Happen?

Sitting around the lunch table last week, we were having a pretty candid conversation about exercise … who does it, who doesn’t and why … when Lee mentioned an article he read recently. Written by WSJ Bestselling Author Eric Barker, the piece was titled This is How to Have a Long Awesome Life: 5 Secrets from […]

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It’s National Coffee Day!!

“Iced, Ristretto, 10 shot, venti, with breve, 5 pump vanilla, 7 pump caramel, 4 Splenda, [and] poured, not shaken …” A survey of Starbucks baristas listed this order as one of the most complicated they’ve heard by a particularly persnickety patron at one of their many locations. (I’d roll my eyes, but you haven’t heard myorder […]

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“Fall” into Healthy Habits this Season

Autumn is here! Finally, we get a break from the blistering existence we lovingly call the Louisiana summer. With the new season comes a whole new crop of activities that many of us put off during the dog days of …. well, you get where we’re going with this, right? As with any fitness regimen, […]

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Today, We Have TWO Reasons to Celebrate!

September 8, 2021 … It’s the day we can finally re-open the doors at Southshore Physical Therapy following one of the deadliest hurricanes ever to hit the U.S. mainland. But that’s not all! How fitting it is that today is also … WORLD PHYSICAL THERAPY DAY!! Physical therapists literally and figuratively help us to stand […]

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Where in the World is Your Southshore Team?

Like most South Louisiana families, our Southshore crew is scattered all over the place. We hope you’re all doing as well as can be expected and just wanted to check in with you from our current locations. Lee & Jessica … We decided to stick it out and ride the storm!! There’s no damage to […]

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Checking In After Hurricane Ida (plus FEMA contact information)

Dear Southshore Families, We hope everyone is faring well in the aftermath of the Hurricane Ida. We will, of course, be closed until electricity and water can be restored at the clinic. Until that time, any PT emergencies can be directed to our hotline at (504) 957-0078.  As we are all scattered as a community […]

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Every Dog Has Its Day …. and that day is today!

Break out the rawhide, kibble and doggy biscuits! It’s time to celebrate man’s (and woman’s … it’s 2021, for Pete’s sake) best friend. August 26 is National Dog Day. With so many dogs living in shelters around the world, the National Dog Day Foundation encourages dog owners to spread the love by encouraging anyone looking […]

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Here’s to Good Health and Long Life … One Sip at a Time

Our own Conner Murphy and Margaret Romano enjoying a little “red wine” for Southshore’s TikTok account. . August 18 is National Pinot Noir Day!  By now, everyone knows that red wine is the more nutritious choice over white and rosé varieties because it is naturally rich in antioxidants. But … did you know that not […]

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International Lefthanders Day

Imagine having musical instruments, school supplies, athletic equipment and even automobiles all designed to work the opposite way your hands work. Nearly everything manufactured specifically for a left-handed person has to be special ordered, is in short supply and often comes with a higher price tag. Representing 10% of the population, left-handed people have spent […]

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