Think back to being a child and spending time with your grandparents. Gray hair, knitting needles, sensible footwear, housecoats, shawls, comfortable chairs … they were all the rage for the simpler, slower-paced lifestyle that was senior citizenship. The thinking was different. As one of many myths perpetuated in the past, it was once believed that older people shouldn’t exercise too much or they could get injured. Seriously, were we ever so young?
Today’s senior is encouraged to be anything BUT sedentary. Running, biking, hiking, weight lifting, cardio exercises and dancing are just a few of the ways to keep moving and healthy as we get older. And what better time to get started than Active Aging Week this October 3 – 9, 2022! Created by the International Council on Active Aging® in 2003, the weeklong campaign aims to challenge “society’s diminished expectations of aging by showing that, regardless of age or health conditions, adults over 50 can live as fully as possible in all areas of life—physical, social, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, vocational and environmental.”
Southshore Physical Therapy wholeheartedly supports the important message behind this special week. We now offer Silver 65+ Group Classes led by licensed professional, Sarah Stack.
Silver 65+ Group Classes are held at Southshore every Wednesday and Friday from 9:30am-10:15am.
So, what does our favorite physical therapist have to say? Lee shared several thoughts and ideas about how we can put the pep back in our step … and keep it there as the years pass.

CARDIO. Low impact activities like biking, swimming and working out on an elliptical machine are all great ways to get your blood flowing. In addition to its heart benefits, cardio exercise also lowers blood sugar, balances cholesterol, eases arthritis pain, staves off depression and boosts sleep quality. Talk about multitasking.
FLEXIBILITY. Calves, hamstrings, backs and shoulders all need to be stretched often. Light yoga moves, such as the child’s pose, can help our joints and muscles stay pliable and aid in injury prevention. Southshore invites you to try our new premium service, Assisted Stretching, enabling you to move in ways you can’t independently. Gives a whole new meaning to stretching your legs.
RANGE OF MOTION. If you take nothing away from this article, remember to keep moving. Your cartilage needs the fluid derived from activity to protect your joints. Without it, you can experience stiffness, inflammation and even pain. So, reach up over your head for your neck and shoulders then down to your toes for your legs and back. To paraphrase a famous cartoon fish, “Just keep moving … just keep moving.”
STRENGTHENING. As we age, we lose bone density (osteopenia, osteoporosis) and muscle mass (sarcopenia). The goods news is that there are so many ways to prevent it. You don’t even need equipment. To get started, try squats (legs), crunches (abdomen) and side lying hip abduction lifts. That last one? Pure Jane Fonda.
For more information about our Silver 65+ Group Classes or Assisted Stretching,
call Sarah at (504) 885-8994.
Happy Active Aging Week, everyone!
Michele Robert Poche