We are excited to announce the newest addition to our health and wellness menu here at the clinic. Assisted stretching services are now available at Southshore by our personal trainer, Sarah Stack. Certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine as a stretching and flexibility coach, Sarah looks forward to helping her clients establish a maintenance program by working to achieve their current fitness goals as well as working together to create new ones. (‘Stretch’ me if you can, Sarah!)
An integral part of a complete fitness program, assisted stretching is a customized, focused, hands-on technique performed by a trained professional who can apply range-of-motion movements to your body that can’t be performed independently. Benefitting everyone from high-performance athletes to senior citizens, assisted stretching helps boost blood flow to muscles, increasing their mobility and flexibility thereby creating a healthier range of joint motion. Regular assisted stretching can also prevent injury and improve daily functional movement, sleep quality, coordination and balance. Plus there’s no better cure for stress than a good stretch. (Think of it as a ‘Stretch’ and Release program.)

- $40 One session
- $130 Four sessions
- $240 Eight sessions
With this new trend starting to spread, you’re sure to notice a lot of stretching mills popping up everywhere. But, with assisted stretching services now available at Southshore, why would you go to a flexologist with only 60 hours of training when you could come to the local benchmark in physical fitness? (Do you ‘stretch’ my drift?) Southshore Physical Therapy invites you to test-drive our newest service with Coach Sarah at your earliest convenience.
For more information or to schedule an appointment for assisted stretching, call Sarah at 504-885-8994.
‘Stretch’ You On The Flip Side!
(Pardon all the ‘stretch’ phrases. We just couldn’t resist!)
Michele Robert Poche