It’s official! Mark your calendars! On June 15th, the anniversary of the clinic, we will be celebrating a new national holiday around the globe! (Okay, maybe that’s a little ambitious for our first year.) Happy National Southshore Physical Therapy Day (NSPTD) to all of our patients … past, present and future!
Now registered with the National Day Archives, NSPTD is dedicated to celebrating the many success stories of our physical therapy patients, ages 5 to 95, who have overcome their injuries and obstacles to return to their lives stronger, smarter and ready to take on the world again … one day at a time. In our now twenty-one years of operation in Metairie, Louisiana just outside of New Orleans, your Southshore crew has helped professional athletes, military personnel, doctors, nurses, lawyers, corporate executives, police officers, first responders, college professors, musicians, artists, electricians, mechanics, chefs, students and everyone in between!
We wanted to create this special day as a way of paying homage to the innovative, life-changing work of physical therapists across the country as well as physiotherapists around the world. These professionally trained experts enable us, often quite literally, to get back on our feet again. Hips, shoulders, knees and backs … the skillful application of physical therapy can help them all. So remember, if you or someone you know needs a little help getting moving again, please don’t hesitate to call us today at (504) 885-8969.
And on (or around … we’re easy) June 15, Southshore Physical Therapy invites all of its patients from the last two decades to post pictures of themselves living their best lives since spending time with us at the clinic. Be sure to use the hashtag #NationalSouthshorePTDay when you spread the joy. BONUS POINTS for wearing a Southshore t-shirt in your posted photo!
Oh, and there will definitely be cake.
Happy National Southshore Physical Therapy Day, everyone!

– Michele Robert Poche