Where would we be without our patients? They brighten our days, they make us smile and they’re ready and willing to participate in our TikToks, special holidays and any other shenanigans we throw their way. From doctors, lawyers, and professors to students, artists and chefs, we’ve got the most interesting assortment of people walking through our doors every single day. And it’s high time we get to know them a little better, don’t you think? On Thursday, July 18, we’re celebrating National Get To Know Your Customers Day. Won’t you join us in meeting our amazing extended family here at Southshore Physical Therapy?

“I have seen The Rolling Stones!” – Debbie Ursin
“I speak more than one language” AND “I was born outside of the U.S.A.” – Marcia Davila
“I have a tattoo where you can’t see it.” – Hasaiah Zay” Davis
“I am called The Banana Bread Lady.” – Edna Zeringue
“I am left handed.” – Brenna Scardino AND “I am ambidextrous.” – Courtney Chatelain
“I have white water rafted.” – Gracie Kammer
“I have met a U.S. President.” – Joe Lopinto
“I have held a live snake.” – Guy Baudier
“I was class valedictorian.” – Kathy Verigan
“I have eaten alligator.” – Alyssa Anders
“I have owned a motorcycle.” – Gilbert Shank
“I lived in Germany for 10+ years.” – Reggie Peel
“I have been in a helicopter.” – Dale Messina
“My first language is Japanese.” – Terry Verigan
“I have attended a live TV show.” – Everett Denny
“I have sung on a stage.” – Miley Nelson
“I have jumped out of a plane.” AND “I have run in a marathon.” – “Uncle Billy” Couret
“I was born in a state besides Louisiana.” – Cathy Bowman
“I have been coming to Southshore PT for 10+ years.” – Cheryl Rembert
“I’ve been married for over 50 years.” – Mary & Ray Brogle

Michele Robert Poche